Get help with services for children, youth, teens, marriage, and parenting. Includes family counseling, child care, and education.
Reporting and Services for Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
Adult Child Abuse Survivor Counseling
Adult Child Abuse Survivor Counseling
Programs that provide therapeutic interventions for adults who, as children, were subjected to a persistent pattern of violence and/or neglect that took place within the family by a parent, guardian, step-parent, sibling or other relative, or outside the home by a friend, neighbor, child care provider or teacher, and who are dealing with the trauma of that experience in their adult lives. Issues may include abandonment, emotional abuse, emotional deprivation, physical abuse, corporal punishment that led to trauma, physical neglect, inadequate supervision, or sexual abuse or exploitation. Counseling is offered in a variety of settings and may include individual, conjoint, family and group therapy sessions.X
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Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services
Programs that provide assistance for adults who are unable to act on their own behalf or manage their own affairs, or who are in immediate danger due to physical or emotional abuse, unsafe or hazardous living conditions, exploitation, neglect or abandonment.X
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Child Abuse Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Programs that provide therapeutic interventions for individuals and/or families who are experiencing child abuse including abandonment, neglect, or emotional, physical or sexual abuse by a parent, guardian, or other family or extended family member whom the child trusts and who is in a position of power over the child. Counseling is offered in a variety of settings and may include individual, conjoint, family and group therapy sessions for the child, the abusing or non-abusing parent(s) and siblings. Separate sessions may be available for young children who have been victimized and for older children in their teens.X
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Children's Protective Services
Children's Protective Services
Programs that investigate reports of child abuse, neglect or abandonment; document substantiated cases; provide for the temporary placement of children who, for their own protection, have been removed from the custody of the adults who are responsible for their care; work with families who are experiencing a problem with child abuse with the objective of facilitating continued family unification or reunification; and provide ongoing supportive services for children in permanent placement.X
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Crime Victim Support
Crime Victim Support
Programs whose objective is to help victims of crimes and their families recover from the trauma of their experience, get medical assistance when required, make their way through the legal system, have an opportunity to provide input to parole or clemency hearings, take appropriate steps, where relevant, to avoid becoming re-victimized, access the benefits to which they are entitled and rebuild their lives.X
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Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Programs that provide immediate assistance for women and men who have experienced domestic abuse which may include steps to ensure the person's safety; short-term emotional support; assistance with shelter; legal information and advocacy; referrals for medical treatment; ongoing counseling and/or group support; and other related services. Hotline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.X
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Domestic Violence Shelters
Domestic Violence Shelters
Programs that provide temporary emergency shelter for individuals, primarily women, who have experienced domestic violence/abuse, and for their children. Such facilities usually provide in-house individual, group and family counseling and the full range of secondary services related to domestic violence including referral to appropriate resources. Also included are similar facilities for battered men and those that can accommodate both men and women, where they are available.X
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Human Trafficking Hotlines
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Programs that provide immediate assistance for survivors of human trafficking (i.e., individuals who have been abducted, sold, recruited under fraud or pretense or otherwise brought under the control of another person, and forced, by means of threats, intimidation, violence or other forms of coercion, into unpaid or underpaid labor, servitude or prostitution) with the objective of defusing the crisis, ensuring the person's safety and helping the person to get the support they need. Hotline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.X
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Online Learning
Discounted Internet Service
Discounted Internet Service
Internet service providers that offer their services at below normal rates for people who meet age, disability, income, need or other requirements.X
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School Supplies
School Supplies
Programs that pay for or provide textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, calculators, book bags and other essential educational supplies required for classes at the elementary/secondary level or at a college or university.X
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Study Skills Assistance
Study Skills Assistance
Programs that provide individual or small group assistance for students who want to improve their study habits, test preparation skills and test taking techniques.X
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Tutoring Services
Tutoring Services
Programs that provide supplemental instruction for students who are having difficulty with their coursework or who want to get more out of their regular educational program.X
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Child Development and Education
Charter Schools
Charter Schools
Elementary or secondary schools that are operated by a nonprofit board under a contractual arrangement with a state education authority, public university, community college, intermediate school district or local school district. Charter schools can operate any combination of grades from kindergarten through 12th grade, can specialize in a specific subject area or approach, may be required to meet specialized accountability standards and/or to abide by the same laws and regulations that govern public schools, and cannot charge tuition.X
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Childhood Immunization
Childhood Immunization
Programs that inoculate infants and young children to prevent them from contracting diseases to which they are particularly susceptible including diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), measles, mumps, chicken pox (varicella), rubella (German measles), whooping cough (pertussis), Hib (haemophilus influenzae type B), hepatitis B, pneumococcal infections and polio. Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for use in selected locales and for certain high-risk groups. Influenza vaccine is recommended annually for children older than six months with specific risk factors. Rotavirus vaccination (to prevent acute gastroenteritis with vomiting and severe diarrhea) is recommended during the first year of infancy. A baby should receive two or three doses depending on the brand used. Some childhood immunizations involve a series of doses at specific intervals.X
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Early Head Start
Early Head Start
A federally-funded child development and family support program that provides early education, health, mental health, nutrition and social services for low-income pregnant women and families with children from birth to age three. Services provided directly or through referral may include prenatal education and parenting classes for pregnant women; child development information; parent/child activities; a home visiting program for families with newborns; early education services in a variety of settings; comprehensive health and mental health services including smoking cessation and substance abuse treatment; coordination with organizations providing early intervention for infants and toddlers with disabilities; assistance in obtaining income support, housing or emergency cash; and transportation to program services.X
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Early Identification Programs
Early Identification Programs
Programs that develop and implement organized plans for locating and identifying children who may be experiencing developmental delays or be in need of special education, and connect them with programs that provide evaluation and assessment services and/or school systems that offer the educational assistance they need.X
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Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Programs that identify infants, toddlers and in some cases, preschoolers who show evidence of or are at risk for lags in physical development, cognitive development, language and speech development, psychosocial development or self-help skills, and provide or coordinate the delivery of an enrichment program in order to minimize the potential for a developmental delay and to meet their current developmental needs. The program may include early identification activities (child find); a developmental evaluation; a review of family concerns, priorities and resources; meetings with the family to develop an individualized family service plan; service coordination to ensure that the individual and his or her family receive needed services which may include but are not limited to physical therapy, occupational therapy, audiology, health/medical services, nursing services, nutrition services, psychological services including specialized play groups or therapy sessions, counseling, speech and language assistance, special instructional services, transportation, and parenting skills development; and ongoing evaluation of the child's progress and his or her changing enrichment needs. Included are "birth to three" programs and federal, state or local programs that address the needs of slightly older children or children not otherwise eligible for "birth to three" programs.X
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Head Start
Head Start
A federally-funded child development program that provides educational experiences, medical and dental services, nutritional meals, counseling and opportunities for parental involvement to help prepare low-income children and children with disabilities age three to five to enter and succeed in school.X
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A formal program of primary and secondary education that is provided by parents who are licensed to teach their children in the home. Licensing is not required in all jurisdictions. However, it is generally mandatory for parents to closely follow the approved study outlines and home schooled children are tested according to the guidelines prevailing within the local public school system.X
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Programs that provide educational experiences and activities for children who are younger than compulsory school age, supplement parental care and home play and stimulate intellectual, social, emotional and motor skills development. Activities generally include preacademic skill development such as shape, color and number recognition; active outdoor play; observation of nature and pets; dancing and rhythms; block building; playhouse activities; games; simple excursions outside the school; stories and picture books. Children are also given a nutritious snack and/or meal and a period for adequate rest, and are taught basic cleanliness and good health habits.X
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School Districts
School Districts
Local administrative units that operate schools or contract for school services in specific geographical areas.X
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School Readiness Programs
School Readiness Programs
Programs sponsored by states, local municipalities or local nonprofits that prepare children, usually age three to five, to succeed in school. The programs are modeled on Head Start/Better Beginnings/Brighter Futures programs and are compensatory in nature targeting children from low income families or those who have or are at risk for a disability and who may have special needs. Services may include comprehensive development screenings, active learning, parent education programs, family activities, early literacy exercises, home visits and healthy snacks during the school day. In some instances, the programs are entirely home-based and focus on providing materials, instruction and support that enable the parent to prepare their child for entering school. Occasionally, the programs refer to short acclimatization sessions to make new pupils familiar with the school and classroom environment before the formal start of the school year. Some programs offer text messaging as a way to encourage parent participation in early education activities.X
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School Supplies
School Supplies
Programs that pay for or provide textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, calculators, book bags and other essential educational supplies required for classes at the elementary/secondary level or at a college or university.X
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Child Care and Camps
Child Care Centers
Child Care Centers
Programs that are licensed to provide supervised care within designated facilities for children during some portion of a 24-hour day. Staff for approved day care centers must meet defined educational requirements; the program must ensure specified adult/child ratios; and the facility must meet building, fire and zoning codes. Services may include recreational and developmental activities and snacks and/or meals, as appropriate.X
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Child Care Expense Assistance
Child Care Expense Assistance
Programs that cover all or part of the cost of child care in public and licensed private child care centers or private family child care homes, usually for low-income families or families which include children with disabilities in situations where parents are working, in school or in a training program. Also included are programs that pay the costs of in-home or out-of-home child care when the parent is receiving diagnostic tests, undergoing medical treatment, is hospitalized or needs to be out of the house for other reasons; and those that provide financial assistance to families with young children to help cover some of the costs of a parent staying home to care for their child.X
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Child Care Provider Referrals
Child Care Provider Referrals
Programs that provide statewide and community-based services that are designed to improve the availability and quality of child care. These programs maintain lists of child care resources and link families who are in need of child care services with child care centers, licensed family child care homes and other organization-based providers; provide information that helps families become good consumers of child care services; recruit new child care providers to expand the availability of the service locally; provide training and technical assistance for providers; and collect and disseminate data which document the demand for child care services and the current availability of child care resources. Some programs may also make referrals to preschools and many provide referrals to children's play groups.X
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Child Care Provider Referrals * Covid-19
Child Care Provider Referrals * Covid-19
Programs that provide statewide and community-based services that are designed to improve the availability and quality of child care. These programs maintain lists of child care resources and link families who are in need of child care services with child care centers, licensed family child care homes and other organization-based providers; provide information that helps families become good consumers of child care services; recruit new child care providers to expand the availability of the service locally; provide training and technical assistance for providers; and collect and disseminate data which document the demand for child care services and the current availability of child care resources. Some programs may also make referrals to preschools and many provide referrals to children's play groups. These services focus especially on COVID-19.X
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Day Camps
Day Camps
Programs that provide creative recreational experiences in cooperative indoor and/or outdoor group living for children, usually age four to 13, or adults who are transported to the site each morning and who return to their homes at the end of each day. Transportation may be provided by the program or may be the responsibility of the family.X
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Extended Child Care
Extended Child Care
Child care centers, family child care homes, schools and recreation centers that provide supervised care for school-age children prior to the beginning and/or following the end of the school day, on school holidays and teacher work/conference days, during school breaks and, in some cases, during the summer when school is not in session in situation where their parents are working or otherwise engaged. While some extended day care programs provide a variety of activities for children in the program, they are not designed to provide specialty instruction such as art or music lessons, or organized sports.X
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Infant Care Centers
Infant Care Centers
Programs that provide substitute parental care in a group setting for infants and toddlers from birth to age two during some portion of a 24-hour day.X
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Special Interest Camps
Special Interest Camps
Residential or day camp facilities that provide opportunities for participants to develop their skills in a specific activity such as athletics, music or art.X
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Summer Camps
Summer Camps
Residential or day camp facilities where care and recreational activities are provided for children during the summer vacation period.X
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After School Programs
Boys/Girls Clubs
Boys/Girls Clubs
Programs that provide a wide range of supervised recreational activities and delinquency prevention services for children and youth of all ages and backgrounds, but particularly for disadvantaged youth, through membership in boys and/or girls clubs. Club members are entitled to use recreational facilities and may have access to counseling, tutorial services, employment assistance, gang programs, drug abuse and alcoholism prevention and other activities and services that direct their energies toward positive social goals and facilitate healthy personality development.X
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Faith Based Youth Programs
Faith Based Youth Programs
Programs that provide a variety of recreational and social activities for young people with the objective of strengthening their religious values and meeting their spiritual needs as well as supporting their growth and development as individuals.X
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Recreational Activities/Sports
Recreational Activities/Sports
Programs that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn, become competitive in and enjoy the organized recreational activity, sport or game of their choice. These programs may be offered by local clubs devoted to a particular activity or sport; may provide individual or team coaching assistance or instruction, access to equipment and facilities, and uniforms, if necessary; and may sponsor or make arrangements for athletes to participate in amateur competitions, usually at the local, regional or state level, and provide officials for games. These events are generally for the enjoyment of the athletes and are not at a high enough competitive level to be considered spectator sports.X
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Scouting Programs
Scouting Programs
Programs that provide opportunities for children and youth to develop individual and group initiative and responsibility, self-reliance, courage, personal fitness, discipline and other desirable qualities of character through participation in a wide range of organized recreational, educational and civic activities under the leadership of qualified adult volunteers. Troop members work on developing their skills in camping, swimming, citizenship, communication, conservation, cooking, community living, first aid and a wide variety of other areas, and usually earn merit badges when they have demonstrated mastery of the skills that are required for a particular activity.X
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Y Facilities
Y Facilities
Programs that provide for the spiritual, social, mental and physical development of children and youth and their families through a broad-based program which includes classes, recreational activities, fitness programs, leadership development opportunities, camping, youth clubs, parent-child programs, youth employment support services, cross-cultural exchange programs, community involvement opportunities and a variety of other activities that give participants a chance to develop a wide range of interpersonal relationships, strengthen family ties and to achieve a satisfying degree of personal growth.X
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Youth Enrichment Programs
Youth Enrichment Programs
Programs that offer a wide variety of activities including arts and crafts, academic programs, sports, reading clubs, workshops and other recreational, leisure, cultural, social and civic activities for school-age children and youth in out-of-school hours. The objective of youth enrichment programs is to promote healthy social interaction and help participants maximize their social, emotional, physical and academic potential.X
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Education for Adults
Adult Basic Education
Adult Basic Education
Programs, usually offered by community adult schools or as evening classes at local high schools, that provide instruction in fundamental learning skills for adults who have never attended school or have interrupted formal schooling and need to raise their level of education to increase their self-confidence and/or prepare for an occupation. Emphasis is placed on basic reading, language and mathematics to strengthen functional skills in communication, computation and personal-social interaction.X
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Citizenship Education
Citizenship Education
Programs that prepare individuals to take the oath of U.S. citizenship and to exercise the attendant rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Citizenship courses help immigrants develop an understanding of and appreciation for American culture, institutions and ideals; and focus on important events in U.S. history, the Constitution and its historic background, and the organization, powers and duties of federal, state and local governments.X
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Continuing Education
Continuing Education
Programs, usually offered as adjuncts to community college, college or university programs, that provide credit-granting and/or noncredit courses for adults who are seeking specific learning experiences on a part-time or short-term basis for personal enrichment, academic or occupational development after they have left the formal education system. The main purpose of continuing education is to improve upon skills that adults already have.X
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Cooperative Extension Service Education Programs
Cooperative Extension Service Education Programs
A publicly-supported nonformal adult education program in the United States which offers learning experiences that will help people acquire and use research-based knowledge and skills essential for solving farm, home and community problems. Cooperative Extension is a nationwide educational network that brings the research and knowledge of land-grant institutions to people in their homes, workplaces and communities. In most states the educational offerings are in the areas of agriculture and food, home and family, the environment, community economic development and youth and 4-H. Extension links the resources and expertise of more than 3,000 county Extension offices, 105 land-grant colleges and universities (which include historically black colleges, tribal colleges and institutions serving the U.S. territories), and the federal government through USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (formerly CSREES). Extension educators deliver research-based programs through workshops, home-study courses, Web-based learning tools and other methods to give people the knowledge, skills, and motivation to improve quality of life and business opportunity and profitability.X
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GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction
GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction
Programs that provide instruction for adults and eligible minors who have elected to take a series of tests which measure the extent to which they have gained the knowledge, skills and understanding ordinarily acquired through a high school education. Instruction and testing focus on writing, social studies, science, reading and mathematics. Individuals who pass the tests receive a high school equivalency certificate.X
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GED/High School Equivalency Test Sites
GED/High School Equivalency Test Sites
Programs that administer the writing, social studies, science, reading and mathematics examinations that adults and eligible minors who have not completed their formal education can take to obtain a high school equivalency certificate. Included are programs that administer the General Educational Development (GED) test, a joint venture of the American Council on Education and Pearson, the HiSET test developed by Educational Testing Service (ETS), the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) developed by CTB/McGraw-Hill and other tests that can serve as the equivalent of a high school degree.X
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Literacy Programs
Literacy Programs
Programs that provide reading and writing instruction for individuals of all ages who are unable to read or write at a functional level. Some programs interpret literacy more broadly and also help people develop speaking, computation and problem solving skills with the objective of ensuring that they develop levels of proficiency they will need to become self sufficient and function well in society.X
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Migrant Education Programs
Migrant Education Programs
Programs that provide formal supplementary learning activities and experiences for school age children who travel with their families from one temporary residence to another to enable family members to secure temporary or seasonable employment.X
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Emergency Family Support
Crisis Nurseries/Child Care
Crisis Nurseries/Child Care
Programs that provide temporary shelter/residential care for infants and children who are at risk for or who have experienced child abuse or neglect in the home or whose families are experiencing an emergency that makes it untenable for the child to remain in the home. Care is generally provided by licensed family child care homes that are available on a 24-hour basis when needed. Some providers are able to accommodate children to age 12 or 14 and will consider older children on a case-by-case basis, while others limit their services to very young children, generally from birth to age five or six.X
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Education Discrimination Assistance
Education Discrimination Assistance
Programs that provide assistance for people who believe they have been denied equal access to student loans or scholarships, or to educational programs at preschool, elementary, secondary, vocational, postsecondary, postgraduate or professional school levels based on their age, gender, race or ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation or marital status.X
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Family Group Conferencing
Family Group Conferencing
Programs that work with families involved with the child welfare system using a process that brings together the strengths of families outside the courtroom setting to find solutions for children who have come into foster care or are at risk for placement outside the home due to abuse or neglect. If successful, children can safely remain with or return to a family member or, possibly, their parents, rather than be placed for adoption or have some other permanent goal established for them. Typically a case worker meets with immediate family members to identify the larger family unit to participate in the process, and a neutral coordinator works with the family as they discuss issues and options. Then the family works privately to develop a plan of action. People involved in the process may include parents, grandparents, other kin, children, tribal elders (where relevant) and individuals whom the family considers to be supportive (e.g., neighbors, clergy). In most instances, families participate in family group conferencing on a voluntary basis, though in a few locations, meetings are court-ordered. In some areas, the practice is also being used in juvenile justice and TANF cases.X
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Family Preservation Programs
Family Preservation Programs
Programs that provide a variety of short-term, intensive, home-based intervention services for families experiencing a crisis that is so severe that children are at imminent risk for placement outside the family setting. Services, which are aimed at ameliorating the underlying causes of family dysfunction, are generally time-limited, of fairly short duration and available on a 24-hour basis. Also included are other family preservation program models whose programs vary in terms of the population served, the level of intensity of services provided and the length of services. The objective of family preservation programs is to preserve the family as a unit and prevent unnecessary placement of the children in foster care, a group home, an inpatient substance abuse or mental health treatment program, a residential training school or other alternative living arrangement.X
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In Person Crisis Intervention
In Person Crisis Intervention
Programs that provide an opportunity for people who are emotionally distressed and/or for their significant others to meet face-to-face with someone who has been trained to assess and resolve the immediate crisis, if possible, and to link the person with appropriate resources for ongoing assistance.X
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Parenting Helplines
Parenting Helplines
Programs that operate a telephone counseling and information line that parents can call when they have childhood development questions, need advice regarding a specific parenting problem or need a referral for parenting resources.X
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Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
Mobile psychiatric emergency teams composed of designated mental health workers (psychiatrists, RN's, MSW's, psychologists, psychiatric technicians) in any combination which intervene in situations where an individual's mental or emotional condition results in behavior which constitutes an imminent danger to him or herself or to another and is unwilling to seek voluntary treatment. These teams are generally operated by county mental health agencies and have the authority to issue an order which authorizes involuntary inpatient hospitalization for up to 72 hours.X
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Safe Havens for Abandoned Newborns
Safe Havens for Abandoned Newborns
Hospitals, health centers, police stations, fire houses and other facilities that are willing to accept, without questions, newborn babies delivered by mothers who are unwilling or unable to care for an infant and are thereby at risk for abandonment. Police reports are generally not filed and no attempt is made to contact the mother's family, even in situations where her identity is known. Infant safe haven statutes vary by jurisdiction with regard to who may leave a baby at a safe haven, the age of the baby at the time of relinquishment, the facilities that can be designated as safe havens, the responsibilities of safe haven providers, anonymity protection for parents and the consequences of relinquishment.X
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Homelessness Assistance Programs
Community Meals
Community Meals
Programs that organizes suppers, lunches or other get-togethers that give community residents an opportunity to meet one another in a friendly and informal atmosphere while sharing a meal. Community meals are generally sponsored by churches, libraries and other local community organizations and coordinated by volunteers.X
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Community Shelters
Community Shelters
Programs, usually sponsored by community organizations or coalitions, that provide temporary shelter for homeless people, generally in dormitory-style facilities with very little privacy. Most community shelters offer support services which may include counseling, advocacy, referrals and help with future plans; and enforce house rules including curfews and mandatory household chores. Participation in religious activities is either optional or not a part of the program. There may be differences in intake, length of stay and amenities in family oriented facilities and those that target other specific populations.X
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Homeless Drop In Centers
Homeless Drop In Centers
Centers where homeless people can spend time during the day or evening. Services may include counseling and/or medication monitoring on a formal or informal basis; personal hygiene supplies; facilities for showering, shaving, napping, laundering clothes, making necessary telephone calls or attending to other personal needs; and other basic supportive services. Some centers may also provide meals or facilities for cooking. Programs that focus on homeless youth may provide case management, living skills training, family reunification assistance, classes and other educational supports, pre-employment training, health education (including HIV prevention), help in obtaining valid ID and other services that help youth successfully exit street life and transition to independent living.X
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Homeless Motel Vouchers
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Homeless School Transition Programs
Homeless School Transition Programs
Programs offered by schools or school districts that seek to stabilize the educational experience of homeless children by identifying a school that they will attend on a consistent basis throughout the year regardless of the family's current location and by offering the supportive services they need to succeed in their educational endeavors. Included may be transportation between specified community shelter facilities and the child's school; clothing that is appropriate for a school environment; books and other educational materials; and special classes that help the homeless child deal with issues such as personal hygiene and health care in a homeless setting. The goal of the program is to transition the child into mainstream education.X
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Homelessness Prevention Programs
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Programs that provide financial assistance and supportive services that stabilize households in their current housing or help them to move into new housing without first entering the shelter system or experiencing homelessness. Services may include financial assistance (short or medium-term rental assistance, security or utility deposits, utility payments, moving cost assistance), housing relocation and stabilization services, legal assistance (generally mediation), credit counseling and case management. The goal is to help households resolve their crisis, secure short-term financial or rental assistance as needed, and access ongoing sources of support in the community in order to remain housed. If the individual or family is unable to stay in their existing housing, the prevention program helps the household to find an alternative housing arrangement that is safe, reasonably affordable and adequate.X
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Human Trafficking Hotlines
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Programs that provide immediate assistance for survivors of human trafficking (i.e., individuals who have been abducted, sold, recruited under fraud or pretense or otherwise brought under the control of another person, and forced, by means of threats, intimidation, violence or other forms of coercion, into unpaid or underpaid labor, servitude or prostitution) with the objective of defusing the crisis, ensuring the person's safety and helping the person to get the support they need. Hotline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.X
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Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines
Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines
Programs that provide immediate assistance for children and youth who have run away from or have been pushed out of their homes or who are acting out and at risk of abuse. Included may be steps to ensure the youth's safety, information regarding the youth's rights and alternatives, and referrals for shelter, medical care, ongoing counseling or group support and other related services. Also included are programs that maintain a message relay system which allows runaways to contact their parents or other concerned individuals and receive messages from them. Helpline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.X
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Soup Kitchens
Soup Kitchens
Programs offered by churches, restaurants and other organizations that provide meals in a central location for people who lack the resources needed to buy and prepare food. The food may be distributed to people who line up for the meal or may be served to people seated in a dining hall setting, and participants rarely need to establish eligibility for the service.X
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Transitional Housing/Shelter
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Programs that provide extended shelter and supportive services primarily for homeless individuals and/or families with the goal of helping them live independently and transition into permanent housing. Some programs require that the individual/family be transitioning from a short-term emergency shelter. The length of stay varies considerably by program. It is generally longer than two weeks but typically 60 days or more and, in many cases, up to two years or more. The supportive services may be provided directly by the organization managing the housing or may be coordinated by them and provided by other public or private agencies. Transitional housing/shelter is generally provided in apartment style facilities with a higher degree of privacy than short-term homeless shelters; may be provided at no cost to the resident; and may be configured for specialized groups within the homeless population such as people with substance abuse problems, homeless mentally ill, homeless domestic violence victims, veterans or homeless people with AIDS/HIV. In some cases, a "transition in place" option allows families to continue living in the same complex (if not the same unit) where their transitional housing unit is located when they are ready to move to permanent housing. In other cases, the permanent housing option is either public housing or private rental housing supported by a tenant-based voucher subsidy. Included are post-domestic violence shelter housing programs that make affordable rental housing (or other accommodations) available to women, generally those who are coming directly out of a domestic violence shelter or other crisis shelter, often in apartment complexes owned by the shelter; and programs that provide transitional housing and support services for other targeted groups such as military and veteran families and others who need a temporary supportive living environment to maintain stability and begin to thrive.X
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Youth Shelters
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Holiday Assistance Programs
Christmas Baskets
Christmas Baskets
Programs, generally supported by donations from the community, that attempt to facilitate enjoyment of the Christmas season by low-income community residents through distribution of food baskets which usually contain a ham, turkey or other meat and all of the trimmings for a Christmas dinner (or vouchers to purchase these items) and occasionally gifts for children or other family members.X
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Christmas Meals
Christmas Meals
Programs that provide a hot Christmas meal in a congregate setting for low-income and homeless individuals and families who might otherwise have no opportunity to celebrate the holidays. Also included are programs that deliver Christmas meals to people's homes.X
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Easter Meals
Easter Meals
Programs that provide a hot Easter meal (usually breakfast or dinner) in a congregate setting for low-income and homeless individuals and families who might otherwise have no opportunity to celebrate the holiday. Also included are programs that deliver Easter meals to people's homes.X
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Holiday Adoption Programs
Holiday Adoption Programs
Programs that sponsor Adopt-A-Family programs during the holidays which match people who want to provide personalized holiday assistance (usually gifts, an invitation to a holiday meal or party or a food basket) with an older adult, an individual with a disability, a low-income family or others in their community who would be unable to celebrate and enjoy the holiday without the sponsor's generosity.X
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Holiday Gifts/Toys
Holiday Gifts/Toys
Programs, generally supported by donations from the community, that provide gifts such as clothing, toys and other items to help low income individuals and families, older adults, hospital patients and others celebrate any of the annual holidays.X
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Special Events
Special Events
Programs that sponsor, organize and promote festivals, parades, fairs, memorial celebrations and other activities during religious and patriotic holidays and other special occasions.X
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Thanksgiving Baskets
Thanksgiving Baskets
Programs, generally supported by donations from the community, that attempt to facilitate enjoyment of Thanksgiving by low-income community residents through distribution of food baskets which usually contain a ham, turkey or other meat and all of the trimmings for a Thanksgiving dinner (or vouchers to purchase these items).X
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Thanksgiving Meals
Thanksgiving Meals
Programs that provide a hot Thanksgiving meal in a congregate setting for low-income and homeless individuals and families who might otherwise have no opportunity to celebrate the holiday. Also included are programs that deliver Thanksgiving meals to people's homes.X
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Marriage and Relationships
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Programs that provide immediate assistance for women and men who have experienced domestic abuse which may include steps to ensure the person's safety; short-term emotional support; assistance with shelter; legal information and advocacy; referrals for medical treatment; ongoing counseling and/or group support; and other related services. Hotline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.X
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Family Group Conferencing
Family Group Conferencing
Programs that work with families involved with the child welfare system using a process that brings together the strengths of families outside the courtroom setting to find solutions for children who have come into foster care or are at risk for placement outside the home due to abuse or neglect. If successful, children can safely remain with or return to a family member or, possibly, their parents, rather than be placed for adoption or have some other permanent goal established for them. Typically a case worker meets with immediate family members to identify the larger family unit to participate in the process, and a neutral coordinator works with the family as they discuss issues and options. Then the family works privately to develop a plan of action. People involved in the process may include parents, grandparents, other kin, children, tribal elders (where relevant) and individuals whom the family considers to be supportive (e.g., neighbors, clergy). In most instances, families participate in family group conferencing on a voluntary basis, though in a few locations, meetings are court-ordered. In some areas, the practice is also being used in juvenile justice and TANF cases.X
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Marriage and Relationships Support Groups
Marriage and Relationships Support Groups
Mutual support groups whose members are individuals or couples who want to learn to build healthy, lasting relationships and/or work through problems such as poor communication or infidelity in a current relationship or marriage. Included are groups for people who have never been married, are divorced, widowed, in a relationship or presently married, and want to learn to develop intimacy, communicate effectively, work as a team to solve problems, manage conflicts without damaging closeness and preserve and enhance love, commitment and friendship within the context of a marriage or relationship. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and provide an opportunity for participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes, understand their relationships and work through related emotions.X
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Marriage Counseling
Marriage Counseling
Programs that provide emotional support, problem solving assistance, and guidance for one or both married or cohabiting partners who are having problems with their relationship and need assistance to identify the root of their difficulty and explore alternative resolutions with the objective of enhancing the relationship for both partners. Counseling may be available in a variety of settings and may include individual or group counseling for one or both of the partners, conjoint counseling and encounter-type experiences for groups of couples who are experiencing marital problems and/or who want to enhance their marriages.X
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Parent Support Groups
Parent Support Groups
Mutual support groups for parents who share a common characteristic or circumstance such as being single parents, dual career parents, multiple birth parents, parents with children who are out of control, or parents of children with disabilities, who come together for educational and social purposes as well as for mutual support. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.X
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Premarital Counseling
Premarital Counseling
Programs that provide information and guidance for couples who are about to marry to ensure that they understand the responsibilities they will assume and the impact that the marriage contract will have on their personal lives. Included are programs that offer counseling for couples younger than age 18 which may be required by the state as a condition for issuing a marriage license.X
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Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Programs that provide individual, conjoint, family or group treatment for individuals who are being physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused by their partners, and/or for perpetrators. Included are programs that provide therapeutic interventions for married couples, people who have live-in mates and/or gay and lesbian couples who are experiencing problems with abuse.X
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New to the Community
211 Systems
211 Systems
A collaborative group of local comprehensive and specialized information and referral providers who have agreed to coordinate information and referral service delivery to provide seamless access to information about community resources via the three digit number assigned for this purpose, 211. Depending on the size and nature of the community, 211 systems may consist of only a few organizations that provide information and referral or may include a diverse array of organizations that furnish some type of I&R. Some of these organizations may supply a very specialized type of I&R service (e.g., for people with disabilities or older adults), while others may provide a comprehensive range of assistance. The coordination of all I&R services and programs within a community and, where relevant, beyond, constitutes the 211 system.X
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Immigrant Resettlement Services
Immigrant Resettlement Services
Programs that help newly arrived immigrants and immigrant families make an adjustment to their new home and community. Services may include reception for arriving immigrants; provision of a "welcome kit" of immediate necessities and information; cultural orientation and ESL classes; and assistance in locating housing and employment, using public transportation and identifying other needed services.X
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Outreach Programs
Outreach Programs
Organizations that make an effort to increase the availability and utilization of community services by specific target populations by providing direct services for targeted individuals in their homes or other convenient locations or by making special efforts to ensure that a particular group is aware of available services and encouraged to participate. Included are programs that do outreach regarding their own services as well as those which encourage a target population to use a wide variety of services.X
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Support for Families
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Programs that provide information and instruction concerning appropriate techniques for nursing an infant for expectant parents or new mothers.X
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Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Programs that provide educational and supportive services for new parents or those expecting a child, to prepare them on an emotional and practical level for the impact the newborn will have on their lives and relationships. Initial focus areas include healthy eating for the mother, danger signs in pregnancy, sibling preparation and being ready for labor and delivery, followed by practical information on basic infant care, newborn behaviors, baby supplies, bathing techniques, diapering, breastfeeding and other feeding options, as well as infant and childhood illnesses. Later topics may include walking, talking, toilet training and other aspects of child development, all to help ensure that infants and toddlers are nurtured, live in a safe environment and receive proper health care. Included are programs open to all as well those targeting special populations such as low income individuals or teenagers.X
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Family Group Conferencing
Family Group Conferencing
Programs that work with families involved with the child welfare system using a process that brings together the strengths of families outside the courtroom setting to find solutions for children who have come into foster care or are at risk for placement outside the home due to abuse or neglect. If successful, children can safely remain with or return to a family member or, possibly, their parents, rather than be placed for adoption or have some other permanent goal established for them. Typically a case worker meets with immediate family members to identify the larger family unit to participate in the process, and a neutral coordinator works with the family as they discuss issues and options. Then the family works privately to develop a plan of action. People involved in the process may include parents, grandparents, other kin, children, tribal elders (where relevant) and individuals whom the family considers to be supportive (e.g., neighbors, clergy). In most instances, families participate in family group conferencing on a voluntary basis, though in a few locations, meetings are court-ordered. In some areas, the practice is also being used in juvenile justice and TANF cases.X
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Parent Counseling
Parent Counseling
Programs that provide a wide variety of therapeutic interventions for parents who are experiencing emotional difficulties or conflicts concerning their role as parents. Included are individual or group counseling for one or both parents or conjoint parent counseling which focuses on and explores the mental, emotional or social problems of the individual(s) which contribute to their parenting problems.X
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Parent Support Groups
Parent Support Groups
Mutual support groups for parents who share a common characteristic or circumstance such as being single parents, dual career parents, multiple birth parents, parents with children who are out of control, or parents of children with disabilities, who come together for educational and social purposes as well as for mutual support. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.X
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Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Skills Classes
Programs that teach skills that enable parents to deal constructively and consistently with a broad spectrum of child rearing problems which may include sibling rivalry; school behavior and performance; poor self-esteem; shyness; drug use; sexual promiscuity; and the whole range of negative, acting-out behaviors including whining, temper tantrums, disobedience, insolence and destructiveness. Some parenting skills development programs utilize a step-by-step approach for managing specific problems and may incorporate application at home of techniques that were discussed and practiced in the classroom setting. Other programs may offer participatory family workshops which provide opportunities for parents and children to learn and practice methods for dealing with one another under the guidance of a trained facilitator. Most training programs teach the parent a particular way of talking and relating to their children that reinforces positive behaviors and communication and decreases negative behaviors while supporting the development of a relationship that is built on fairness, mutual caring and respect.X
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Peer to Peer Networking
Peer to Peer Networking
Programs that link individuals who have a particular disability or condition or have specific types of life experiences and are interested in meeting or corresponding with others who have similar disabilities, conditions or experiences for the purpose of information sharing and support.X
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Pregnancy Counseling
Pregnancy Counseling
Programs that help people who are experiencing a crisis pregnancy resolve any social or personal problems that have arisen as a result of their pregnancy or the prospect of parenthood, and help them understand their conflicting emotions, put their feelings in perspective, evaluate their options and make a decision that right is for them.X
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Prenatal Care
Prenatal Care
Programs that provide medical care for expectant mothers from the time of conception to the onset of labor to ensure their own physical well-being and the healthy development and birth of their child. Services generally include identification of risk factors based on age, health and/or personal and family history that may affect a woman's pregnancy; diet and lifestyle advice; routine checkups to look for signs of problems associated with pregnancy (such as edema, preeclampsia, or gestational diabetes) and to assure that the pregnancy is progressing well; ultrasound and other forms of prenatal testing to monitor fetal development and check for possible birth defects; and general information about being pregnant, e.g., what is normal and what is cause for concern, remedies for morning sickness or sleeplessness, managing weight gain and other common issues.X
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Safe Havens for Abandoned Newborns
Safe Havens for Abandoned Newborns
Hospitals, health centers, police stations, fire houses and other facilities that are willing to accept, without questions, newborn babies delivered by mothers who are unwilling or unable to care for an infant and are thereby at risk for abandonment. Police reports are generally not filed and no attempt is made to contact the mother's family, even in situations where her identity is known. Infant safe haven statutes vary by jurisdiction with regard to who may leave a baby at a safe haven, the age of the baby at the time of relinquishment, the facilities that can be designated as safe havens, the responsibilities of safe haven providers, anonymity protection for parents and the consequences of relinquishment.X
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A public health nutrition program administered by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service that provides nutrition education, nutritious foods, breastfeeding support and health care referrals for income-eligible pregnant or postpartum women, infants and children up to age five. Foster parents, grandparents, guardians and single fathers who have custody of their children may also be eligible to receive food assistance for children up to age five if they meet income guidelines. WIC provides specific foods to supplement the dietary needs of participants to ensure good health and development. Food packages typically include iron-fortified infant cereal, milk, cheese, eggs, whole grains, peanut butter, beans, fruits, vegetables and juice. Families can shop for WIC foods at most grocery stores using a WIC electronic transfer benefit (EBT) card or vouchers.X
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Arts Centers
Arts Centers
Multidisciplinary community centers that display or sell local artist’s work; provide studio, living and/or office space for artists; offer access to artist/artisan demonstrations, workshops and classes that focus on any of a wide variety of art forms; provide indoor or outdoor venues for plays, poetry readings, musical performances, book discussions and other special events; do outreach to schools and other community organizations; and offer other services that make the arts more accessible to the community.X
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Bullying Helplines
Bullying Helplines
Programs that provide immediate assistance for people who have witnessed, are experiencing or are affected by verbal, physical or social bullying, or cyberbullying. Included may be short-term emotional support, resources and community referrals, and steps to ensure the person's safety. The service is generally free and confidential and may offer peer support, particularly to youth. Helpline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.X
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Centers for Independent Living
Centers for Independent Living
Consumer controlled, community based, cross disability, nonresidential agencies designed and operated within a local community by individuals with disabilities that provide an array of independent living services. All CILs provide five core services: information and referral, independent living skills training, peer counseling, individual and systems advocacy and transition. In addition, many CILs also offer transportation services, mobility training, personal assistance, housing and home modifications, recreation services, vocational programs, assistance in obtaining assistive technology equipment and other individualized services designed to increase and maintain independence.X
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LGBTQ2+ Helplines
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Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines
Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines
Programs that provide immediate assistance for children and youth who have run away from or have been pushed out of their homes or who are acting out and at risk of abuse. Included may be steps to ensure the youth's safety, information regarding the youth's rights and alternatives, and referrals for shelter, medical care, ongoing counseling or group support and other related services. Also included are programs that maintain a message relay system which allows runaways to contact their parents or other concerned individuals and receive messages from them. Helpline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.X
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School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs
School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs
Programs, usually available within the regular high school curriculum, that provide opportunities for pregnant teens and teenage students who are parents to complete their high school education and receive diplomas. Classes which focus on child development, infant care, mother/infant nutrition and childbirth preparation are available in addition to the basic graduation requirements and academic electives. Students who are enrolled in the program may also receive nutritionally balanced meals (breakfast and lunch), prenatal care, family planning and counseling services.X
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Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Programs that provide immediate assistance for individuals who are having suicidal feelings with the objective of helping them explore alternatives to self-harm or self-destruction. Suicide prevention workers establish and maintain contact with the individual while identifying and clarifying the focal problem, evaluate the suicidal potential, assess the individual's strengths and resources, and mobilize available resources including paramedic or police intervention and emergency psychiatric care as needed. These programs can also help individuals who are worried about the potentially suicidal behavior of another with the objective of helping them identify warning signs and provide options on seeking further help. Hotline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.X
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Programs that offer a telephone service that enables people who are troubled to talk confidentially about their personal problems with an empathetic listener. These programs are often staffed by volunteers who can offer referrals for ongoing treatment, if needed.X
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Youth Centers
Youth Centers
Multipurpose centers that serve as a focal point for youth in the community and which offer, at a single location, a wide variety of services and activities that are needed by and of interest to this population.X
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Youth Employment Programs
Youth Employment Programs
Programs that provide vocational assessment, job development, job training, job search, job placement, specialized job situations and/or other supportive services for unemployed and/or underemployed youth who need assistance preparing for, finding and retaining paid employment. Services may include summer jobs at community worksites; internships, job-shadowing and entrepreneurial projects; and work-readiness training that focuses on resume preparation, job application letters and questionnaires, interview techniques, appropriate dress and personal appearance, work ethic values and other "soft skills" that are required for job retention. Youth employment programs may be configured for at-risk youth, students, low-income youth and other special populations or may be broadly available to youth in general.X
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Youth Shelters
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Pet Services
Pet Care Services
Pet Care Services
Programs that provide pet-related supplies or services which enable pet owners to acquire a pet and/or take care of their pet's needs.X
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Pet Loss Support Groups
Pet Loss Support Groups
Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who are grieving because they have lost a pet. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and focus on helping participants accept their loss, express their grief, move through the bereavement process and put their lives back together.X
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Pet Therapy
Pet Therapy
Programs that provide treatment services for pets who are having emotional or behavioral problems and who might benefit from some type of special intervention in conjunction with or in addition to traditional veterinary care. The treatment may include observation, play and nutritional therapy, behavior modification, medication and other forms of assistance, and pet owners may be involved in the treatment process.X
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Pet Tracking Microchips
Pet Tracking Microchips
Programs that implant scannable coded computer chips in dogs, cats and other pets as a means of facilitating the reunion of lost pets with their owners.X
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